Versions Compared


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  1. Inputs to Trust Mark Issuer:

    • id: The identifier for the Trust Mark (e.g.,
    • sub: The entity's unique identifier (entity_id).
  2. Steps:

    • Contact the Trust Mark Issuer:
    • Supply the id and sub to the Trust Mark Issuer.

    • Retrieve the issued Trust Mark as a signed JWT.

  3. Validation:

    • Use a JWT library to verify the Trust Mark's signature using the Trust Mark Issuer's public key:
      • Retrieve public keys from the Trust Mark Issuer's .well-known/jwks.json endpoint.
      • Validate claims such as iss, sub, id, and iat for compliance.
  4. Include in Metadata: Add issued Trust Marks to your issuer’s metadata:

    Code Block
      - "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR..."
      - "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR..."

Testing Trust Marks

  1. Decode JWT: Use tools like to inspect the Trust Mark's claims and ensure all required fields are present.

  2. Verify Signature: Validate the JWT signature against the Trust Mark Issuer's public key.

  3. Check Expiration: Ensure the exp claim (if present) has not expired.

  4. Validate References: Follow the ref URL (if provided) to confirm compliance with human-readable policy documents.


  1. Trust Anchor URL:

    • For your setup, the Trust Anchor URL is:
  2. Trust Anchor Keys: Add the Trust Anchor’s public keys to your configuration: 

    Code Block
          - kty: RSA
            use: sig
            kid: UFpoajluZU42dTNUUXo5RnhBVEJnRk9JY2NtU1JKdlVYUk1RUFRyVkFFRQ
            n: p9S2whcSjmBdxerp80tIJreUUmZiGNGXIocJlNjx9pgD5_WD2l6mBNuEZMpP-QUB_TSV3VesNiqmOdydGp1wkfQ-NmVdoso29FjEdgrckLIwirAVmVQ6bGQQnXJrR56mRz0QqENi11vVpbDj6hsprxK1EZBQL-sQ2kem289B_BCNT-NvwVHrYJlaQA32z7cs1a7W8wt9eLxA10PeiYMgDVU_69wKBw4YrjjozOHKMRGchUQEjQhfSZfk49bip_5TNz4dmBmSCIbdE2yilFrfRSNrh7q2myuyDE3k2QZbSOXXGGT1LtHO74WIY58v-M3A7_zxp0f2Eo9ZD3N4h-InIw
            e: AQAB
          - kty: EC
            use: sig
            kid: Nm82cTJKMDkydXhxOUMtTm0teFpMWlZiR0ZVa2U3YVVtbkJTV3hBd3FqOA
            crv: P-256
            x: 69XlQkKYfWJDXAv_Vbrqyfz9gfAhu1qQ4mtLde18-Cg
            y: ntBwdhy4_cS2PRBS-xdKkNwcO1yQP8TdoOHbHN9Yjv8

  3. Include in Metadata: Add the Trust Anchor entity ID and keys to your issuer configuration:

      - ""
  4. Purpose: Trust Anchors validate Trust Marks’ signatures and establish trust within the federation.
