- Definition: A set of public keys in JSON format, typically published at /.well-known/jwks.json.
- Purpose: Used for verifying the signatures of JWTs.
- Role: The Trust Mark Issuer (TMI) certifies entities’ compliance with federation policies by issuing cryptographic Trust Marks.
- Endpoint:
- Notes: The TMI’s public keys for verifying Trust Marks are Metadata for the TMI is accessible at: https://openidfed-test-1.sunet.se:6001/.well-known/jwks.json openid-federation
Wallet Provider
- Role: Acts as the intermediary for wallets to interact with the federation, supporting Wallet Instance registration.
- Endpoint:
- Notes: Metadata for the Wallet Provider is accessible at:
Credential Issuer
- Role: Issues credentials (e.g., EHIC, PDA1) to wallets upon successful interaction.
- Endpoint:
- Notes: Supports credential issuance based on OpenID4VCI protocols.