Skolfederation Trial is a free test environment open for both members of Skolfederation and non-members. In Skolfederation Trial user organizations and service providers can test their solutions with test services provided by the federation, or with other participating entities in Skolfederation Trial as well as test services provided by Skolverket for DNP. Technical personnel can also get acquainted with metadata management in Federationsadmin.
Do not use production information
Due to Trial being a completely open test environment for both IdP's and SP's, no control of organizations or entities is performed other than syntactical check of metadata for interoperability in the Trial federation. For IdP's, do not use production data (i.e. users) and be careful to which entities you allow access and release of user attributes and personal information.
Access to Skolfederation Trial
All members of Skolfederation gain automatic access to Skolfederation Trial. On finalization of membership, all Technical Contacts have received an email with credentials for accessing Skolfederation Trial in Federationsadmin. Technical Contacts also have the ability to create Technical Agents to delegate access to the members metadata management. More on creating and managing Technical Agents is found in the user guide.
If you are a member of Skolfederation but forgot your password you can reset your password by clicking "Forgot Password?" at the logon screen for Federationsadmin.
If you are not a member of Skolfederation but want access to Skolfederation Trial, use the form below.
Uploading metadata to Skolfederation Trial
Uploading metadata in Federationsadmin
To upload metadata to Skolfederation Trial, log on to Federationsadmin with your Trial credentials.
Log on to Skolfederation Trial in Federationsadmin
Sending metadata manually to federation operator
An alternative to managing the metadata in Federationsadmin is to use the form linked below to send metadata to the federation operator for validation and verification. If there are errors, the federation operator will request corrections.
Technical information
Metadata for Skolfederation is found below.
Public key for verifying signature of federation metadata is found below.
Certificate file:
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFnTCCA4WgAwIBAgIJAJIjkgQRcgiiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMGQxCzAJBgNV BAYTAlNFMRIwEAYDVQQIDAlTdG9ja2hvbG0xEjAQBgNVBAcMCVN0b2NraG9sbTEt MCsGA1UECgwkU3RpZnRlbHNlbiBmb3IgSW50ZXJuZXRpbmZyYXN0cnVrdHVyMCAX DTE2MDUyMzEzMjc0N1oYDzIxMTYwNTIzMTMyNzQ3WjBkMQswCQYDVQQGEwJTRTES MBAGA1UECAwJU3RvY2tob2xtMRIwEAYDVQQHDAlTdG9ja2hvbG0xLTArBgNVBAoM JFN0aWZ0ZWxzZW4gZm9yIEludGVybmV0aW5mcmFzdHJ1a3R1cjCCAiIwDQYJKoZI hvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoCggIBALv2W31Glj8DzofLuvrRsLiT03R0sb0QP4Oi MCMp4YJOvPuJeMxnoLj0+I5VVx5XpREftZq53CUFLWMjIuu2dzuGdg91MYHFY4zz MSe3xckD4XsjlrU4+ovaMEcYCJjNLrBVJlDVs6tfTXbwPAIbBq+SAAeLUzF4CJhL MNm4hwCvuYRXcFaapZKpZnTtwQ+Py/J10b5Bc9aF6766LNFreG39foKDrF+4vFW8 39wLn+lyvBjMbUfbr5jk1kww8gN2Kq08wGJBlQaQyKCEoETH9hv48LvQ1Fi2IJd6 kISjwdhQbF24WFHGyXl4Qr7Sk/HunEOZMQrum8JyDZUeGExBmzZcCgkNarG8u1AY JrNar+6g/0vLqj71E7coSJ0ywXxJH2WsQ/2FR9pkd5Inikp+ss9oto7UjStbZYLL Guyg3zOde5uxDqRbd+lfKQyKrsf43mPSs3vdvKpIQYfu6bueMa/oIMtal4g5upii 4j0LENYGROZZad/IOQPxT3wG+BThYE/0EjD7BImm66sr5W+VAQRT0nroRTvm7kJJ tW8R/I9VK5nDAmdIdaqHCAr/lmJfXXIi0JMttYwtbTmaGkRPkPp7JMVQ5NFmjL+F hSlqFRJbDvkE0rlQ2Hobspb4AouVkg1mt5VG4A24ptdPUCvmg0v6J1R1FL1VH6Oy /lMWt1TnAgMBAAGjUDBOMB0GA1UdDgQWBBTeV6UGmGF0di0Rr43/BZpAeX9geTAf BgNVHSMEGDAWgBTeV6UGmGF0di0Rr43/BZpAeX9geTAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MA0G CSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQAEE3sMWLF3mZHPzPZ+RxAn8NHpkwYz2Sz8B+NVlCsP 81f64CxxknB+RwQWBmyottK2lNayvjEsydGvV/Fe5g6hwEJYBWaKGom/1vUqUhuD /zKTgt1sD3Z3NtLYZepFNNeO8DNQJNFzsLMY9EG0ufc7GbFGaVIJa1ZEzcVb9zc1 +lpAKGcODTjQv+gn9FmqUI4IZj/UcCMCkNrVXes6Lzyt2oWPgVFUC0zTPChXE+6V K7bdKch8enXKOpUVn4zg7BpoXLpKpk2RXFBXf6KM+GnWpfYsAkZGJmkwJ52Ovd8f oE3K+QnyxGsyGhN1PX0Dh+0896seCS8VC2Dgs+7JPPXoz7jLYGxiTG9fKMTUZMpm dSBt+jsitsjV4/41U7wveFLSM9kms3bEoXf9kCJfEqysw3qU4Txyn9zv4uOmBzn8 fdZLa+Vpp6DqpyukSQdPsIcUc38tJomqMgrx1vdoIkWJE8sabj1MSEQmI4hdOoub kespEI3hPrbNTlWQApIaXWFE/WZftM+48bG9nNDzrNT+oZHFkR0xAnLnHT7WiB+p zfAgxd8HSURLgfQNUDc9glOwpVyev7MZMUq32VYXdwcMMfeSCWXFQcmbGp/hvpLr x2DA4dplOP9iMnLxcFeR8zf6IKsUPrAMC1zGe5nwJ3kcZppKydY388CDOMlMrztR lw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
SHA-256 fingerprint: DD:42:FE:DA:AB:E9:F0:99:D3:BE:EC:CA:94:95:3F:E8:33:95:68:50:1D:D1:3A:8A:D2:FD:A5:A7:8F:16:DC:ED
Verify metadata with certificate
We recommend verifying the fingerprint of the signing certificate with the federation operator before adding the certificate to your IdP/SP trust. After trusting the certificate, always verify federation metadata signature with signing certificate to guarantee metadata integrity.
Discovery Service (DS)
Discovery Service for Skolfederation Trial is found below.
Use other ways of discovery
Note that the federation operator does not recommend the usage of the centralized DS for discovery of IdP's in production environments, due to limitations in user experience. However, in the case of Skolfederation Trial feel free to use this tool to test your services.
Test services in Skolfederation Trial
Skolfederation Trial provides test IdP and test SP services for participants to test logon flows, attribute release and attribute consumption.
Test IdP
The test IdP can be used for testing logon and attribute release to your SP uploaded in Skolfederation Trial. As the IdP service is only a form where you can select what attributes and values to release (in accordance with Skolfederation Attribute Profile), the test IdP does not require any user authentication. The test IdP automatically trusts and allows logons to all SP's in the federation metadata for Skolfederation Trial.
SAML 2.0 entityID | Name in Skolfederation Trial discovery service |
---|---| | Skolfederation Trial-IDP |
Trial IdP attribute release form
Test SP
The test SP can be used for testing logon and attribute release from your IdP uploaded in Skolfederation Trial. The SP service presents all sent attributes in a table. If the attribute is presented this means the SP could consume the attribute correctly and that the attribute syntax is correct. The test SP automatically trusts and allows logons from all IdP's in the federation metadata for Skolfederation Trial.
SAML 2.0 entityID | Logon URL |
---|---| | |
Trial SP attribute consumption view
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